Tuesday, June 16, 2020

What is the best shampoo for preventing hair loss?

This is one of the most common questions that we are asked, and unfortunately there is no single shampoo or supplement that will correct your hair loss problem. Why? The visible hair loss that you see begins inside the scalp, at the hair follicle, and shampoos do not influence this area. Preventing hair loss goes far beyond the use of a particular shampoo, and today we are going to explain the science behind hair loss as well as the specific steps towards treatment.


The follicle as diagrammed here is a microscopic organ system that produces protein chains which we call hair, our crowning glory. Each follicle goes through a repeating work/rest cycle depicted here. Within the follicle and other skin cells, there are receptors that receive instructions from our hormones.

The major culprit that works against the productive life of the follicle is the DHT hormone cycle depicted here. In short, the work cycle is increasingly turned in to the rest cycle as T is converted to DHT by the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase.

The end result is a continuing shortening of the work cycle and an increasing of the rest cycle resulting in an ever smaller hair.

Treatment Overview

1. Follicles are blocked and stimulated

Successful treatment must begin here by disrupting the cycle of DHT and restoring the longer growth cycle. A comprehensive approach through simple applications of the right regimen begins this correction process.

2. Scalp pathologies corrected

Successful treatment must include correcting visible or micro-inflammation (another by-product of DHT), dermatitis, scaling, itching, redness or burning. Left uncorrected, this condition will continue to contribute to abnormally high hair shedding.

3. Hair strands strengthened

The dry, brittle, breaking hair is treated with PH-balanced solutions and conditioners that restore protein and balance moisture. Treatment must also include an evaluation of styling services and implements that may well be contributing to further damaging already weakened hair.

Ready to Take the Next Steps?

At Biomedic, we are here to assist you in keeping your hair in its best possible condition. We offer free consultations to discuss your current questions and concerns, and our in-home treatments allow for the most convenient and effective care. 

If you are interested in learning more, we are here to answer your calls at (800) 694-4247. Our main website also provides more in-depth information towards specific treatments and timelines. 

Our most recent YouTube video highlights the quality of our care and promotes the use of our telehealth services:

We look forward to helping those in need to revitalize their hair back to its natural, healthy state. Our treatment is what makes the difference.

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